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What is a Percentile?

A percentile is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage of the data falls. It is commonly used to understand the relative standing of a specific value within a dataset.

How to Calculate Percentiles

To calculate the percentile of a value in a dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Sort the dataset in ascending order.
  2. Determine the index of the value using the formula: index = (percentile / 100) * (number of data points).
  3. If the index is an integer, the percentile is the average of the values at the index and the index+1 positions. If the index is not an integer, round it up to the nearest integer, and the percentile is the value at that position.

Example of Percentile Calculation

Given a dataset of [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60], and we want to find the 30th percentile:

  1. Sort the dataset: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60].
  2. Determine the index: index = (30 / 100) * 6 = 1.8.
  3. Since the index is not an integer, round it up to the nearest integer: 2. The value at position 2 is 30, so the 30th percentile is 30.


Percentiles are a valuable statistical measure to understand the relative standing of a specific value within a dataset. This online percentile calculator extracts numerical values from an input string and calculates the specified percentile, making it easy, fast, and free for your daily use. Keep in mind that percentiles are just one way to analyze a dataset, and it's essential to consider other statistical measures to have a comprehensive understanding of the data.